Spring cleaning tips from a KonMari Certified Professional Organizer

Professional Organizer The Tidy Moose folding clothes

Spring cleaning can be an overwhelming task if you don’t know where to start. To make the process easier, we’ve partnered with KonMari Consultant and Professional Organizer, Ivanka Siolkowsky, also known as The Tidy Moose, to uncover her six top spring cleaning tips! Keep reading to find out why she recommends the KonMari Method and how she gets her home ready for spring!

How to declutter using the KonMari Method?

A lot of times we can’t tell the difference between what we want and what we need in our lives, because we’re so bombarded with consumerism at every turn. It’s time to simplify our thinking and take it back to the basics!

The KonMari Method - created by organizing consultant Marie Kondo - focuses on keeping items that only spark joy as a way to lead a minimalist life. Before an organization project, I always take a moment to practice gratitude. It’s important to take this time, because being in a state of gratitude changes my mindset and puts me in a positive state, ready to take on the organization ahead. 

6 spring cleaning KonMari tips

1. Let in fresh air

Open your  windows to let the fresh spring air in and the old stale winter air out. Not only will this bring a new life to your space, but it will also motivate you to spread that fresh feeling throughout your space by decluttering. 

1-800-GOT-JUNK? truck outside an open window with flowers

2. Vacuum up the dust

Give your house a good vacuum before getting started. Why? Because as you move around the house to clean, the dust from the floors get shuffled around and sometimes gets tracked from the messy areas to the areas you've just cleaned. If you vacuum before then the dirt won't spread!

Woman vacuuming white carpet

3. Organize by category and start with your clothes

Organize by category, not by room, as you often store the same type of item in more than one place. This is a great time to go through your closets to donate any clothing you haven't worn in a while. Gather all of your clothing into one space (from your closet, from downstairs, from your car, wherever you have clothing that's yours). Anything that's dirty - wash it first! Make a giant pile on your bed and then start going through it. As you pick up each item, decide if it sparks joy for you. If that item no longer brings you joy, donate it! It will get a second life and have the ability to bring someone else joy.

Colorful jackets on white hangers

4. Wash your bedding

After you have organized all of your clothing and it is folded back in your drawers and hanging neatly in your closets, it’s a good time to wash your bedsheets. After you’ve freshened up your bed, your room is done and you can move on to the next area!

Folded shirts in a dresser drawer

5. Organize your pantries and fridges 

Spring is a great time of year to organize your pantries and fridges. It's the perfect time to refresh and eliminate any expired foods. Empty out the fridge first, then do the pantry. Removing both areas at the same time may not leave enough counter space for all the food. Before storing the food you decide to keep, give your fridge and cupboards a good cleaning to eliminate any germs and freshen up the area.

Organized pantry with glass containers

6. Clean your towels and relax

Throw all of your towels into the wash and go take a nice relaxing bath. After your bath you’ll be rewarded with a freshly cleaned towel and a sense of accomplishment. You'll sleep like a baby now that everything is clean! Trust me!

Drawer full of folded towels

Tidy Moose’s bonus tip: Make this a one-day job. If you try to split it up, you'll never stop the process. Whereas when you do it in one day, it's "Boom! Done!"

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