Whether you’re a self proclaimed shopaholic or only hit the mall if you’re looking for a specific item, you'll need to organize those purchases when you get home. We've created this handy guide to help you organize your new items as soon as you bring them home, so your home can stay clutter free!
Tips for each type of shopper
If you know what type of shopper you are it's easy to come up with a plan to stay organized. Keep reading to find out what type of shopper you are and specific tips that correspond with your shopping style!
1. The early holiday shopper
For this shopper, it's never too early to start on their holiday shopping list! You might have a tangible gift list, or good gift ideas top of mind. You view Black Friday as an opportunity to get the bulk of your holiday shopping done, instead of just seeing it as a starting point.
Before you go crazy with holiday purchases, make sure you’ll have space to store them or hide them if they are for people in your household. Ideally, you can store your gifts in the same place you have the wrapping paper and ribbons. This way when it comes time to wrap, everything is in the same spot and you have your very own wrapping station. Putting all your gifts in the same place also means that you won't forget about any gifts in secret locations. You don’t want to hide a gift so well that you end up hiding it from yourself!

2. The tech obsessed
The tech obsessed shopper can never get enough of the latest gadgets. As soon as a new model of a phone, TV, computer, or watch comes out, you can’t wait to get your hands on it!
When you buy an item that replaces an older version, be sure to dispose of it responsibly. If your item is still in working condition, sell it or consider donating it! Keep in mind, many electronics can’t be thrown out with the weekly trash. So if it's beyond repair consult your city’s regulations to find the proper way to get rid of it, or call 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and they can dispose of it responsibly for you.

3. The back stocker
This shopper dreams of having a back stock of items that would rival Costco. When you find a good deal or a favorite product, you want to buy multiples so you never run out, have extras to use as gifts, or a backup in case the original breaks.
It can be very easy for this shopper to go overboard, but to ensure your home doesn't end up overflowing with inventory you should follow these simple tips. First, make sure you have enough space for everything you buy. You don’t want to end up taking over your whole home with products or needing to use a storage unit. Secondly, you should have a designated space for all the items in the room that they will eventually be used in, or organize all the extra items in a common space, like the garage, and group them according to category. This will help you keep track of the items you already own and help you avoid making duplicate purchases.

4. The deal hunter
This shopper is always on the hunt for a good sale; the bigger the deal, the bigger the thrill! Whether you browse online, clip coupons, or wait until a certain day like Black Friday or Amazon Prime Day for items to go on sale, you can’t get enough of a good deal.
When shopping don’t just look for the best deal, make sure you’ll actually use it! Something on sale won’t matter if it sits in the back of your closet untouched and collects dust. When you’re hunting for your next deal, prepare a list of items you actually need and then find the best deal for them. This way you get the satisfaction of scoring a good deal and end up with an item you’ll actually use. It’s a win-win!

Regardless of what type of shopper you are, remember the “one in, one out” rule as a way to keep the clutter at bay. For every new item you purchase, get rid of one item you already own from the same category. Not only does this create space in your home, but also forces you to think of the value of your items and get rid of anything past its prime.
If you need help figuring out what type of shopper you are, take our quiz to find out!

If you’re struggling to make room for your new purchases or need help getting rid of the items you’re replacing, call 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. They can safely remove your unwanted items with their No Contact Junk Removal service.